It's just not the same with the disc - though doing searches is easier. They can be fascinating sometimes just to thumb through and see what catches your eye. Honestly, the disc is nice, in some ways easier to use, but honestly, I prefer the good ole giant books. I have, somewhere, the Factory Manual for one of my cars on disc. Hoping I'll get around $150 for both sets (they aren't cheap for the actual printed copies) based on other listings. I have the actual, telephone-book-sized Workshop Manuals for my predecessors, a 2008 Ford Expedition (Vol 1 & 2 and Wiring Diagrams) and my 2006 Ford Explorer (Vol 1 & 2, no wiring guide), and I'm planning on listing them on eBay tomorrow. I just ordered this manual from Factory Manuals for $69.99, paid for it on eBay and they're producing it now, supposed to be ready for download in 12-24 hours. I honestly didn't really plan on keeping the Edge long - and I kept it almost 4 years - the longest of any car in the past 12 years! You just never know how things work out at times. I've had them for all my past cars except my 2013 Edge I recently traded. I've found these manuals can be great for something as easy as how to remove a light cover without breaking it, how to access some hidden part, where to find some odd thing you need. I do hope this downloaded PDF I'll be getting is as good as all the reviews I've read - there were only 2 complaints and it sounded more like the people didn't really didn't know what they were doing - but lots of 5 star reviews. Click to expand.I just ordered this manual from Factory Manuals for $69.99, paid for it on eBay and they're producing it now, supposed to be ready for download in 12-24 hours.