She is then kidnapped by the henchmen of the dangerous gangster Yong-Doo as they pass on the road in a van. She gets lost in the forest, hearing her mother's voice calling her. In the present day, a girl nicknamed Ark 1 escapes from a secret laboratory after killing all soldiers and scientists there. Baek and her twin reassure her, knowing that she is pregnant with fraternal twins, they say that her pregnancy will be mysteriously important. A team abducts the young woman who wakes up on a stretcher, seeing that the bus incident was faked to look like an accident. A gas is thrown into the bus, causing everyone inside the vehicle to lose consciousness. Years ago, a female teenager is taking a bus ride with her friend when they mysteriously change routes. The Witch: Part 2 is currently the sixth highest-grossing Korean film of 2022 with a gross of US$22.954 million and 2.80 million viewers. The film opened at number one at South Korean box offices and surpassed one million admissions after four days, and two million after eleven days of release. The film was released on J by Next Entertainment World. The Subversion, it stars Shin Si-ah, Park Eun-bin and Jo Min-su. A sequel to the 2018 film The Witch: Part 1. The Other One RR: Manyeo) is a 2022 South Korean science fiction action horror film written and directed by Park Hoon-jung. Fast and furious on the surface, shallow and conventional beneath, Diesel’s bid to carve himself another billion-dollar franchise is off to a good start with this mainstream crowd-pleaser.The Witch: Part 2. Steve Jablonsky‘s ever-present, over-insistent orchestral score also grates on the nerves before long. Less impressively, Eisner’s movie is clogged with cardboard characters, flat dialogue and a sluggish middle act that gets lost in too much fabricated witchy folklore. A couple of late plot twists also feel refreshingly left-field, even if they are shameless signposts for future sequels. In its favor, The Last Witch Hunter boasts some terrific production design and digital effects, notably the Witch Queen’s lair and a creature called the Sentinel, both nightmarish pagan constructions of shape-shifting wood and bone. Still, having such a wooden lead playing such a one-dimensional hero definitely makes it less appealing for casual movie goers. In fairness, these limitations are unlikely to deter the movie’s action-fan target demographic. In The Last Witch Hunter, he acts opposite an immobile corpse and a wooden tree monster, yet still somehow manages to be stiffer than both. But more recently he seems to have settled comfortably into Steven Segal mode, a walking bag of boiled ham whose expressive range barely extends beyond sleepy-eyed, guttural grunts.

All smirk and bicep, he was once earmarked as the natural successor to Bruce Willis. The one truly impressive thing about Diesel’s acting skills is how he has achieved so much with so little.